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Wednesday, May 15, 2019



YOU need your car to look like new and shiny you should make it by your self. People do not recognize that car washer what damages do to your car.
 CAR WASH YOUR CAR BY YOURSELF YOU need your car to look like new and shiny you should make it by your self. People do not recognize that he car washer what damages do to their car.    WATER PRESSURE  The water pressure they use is not standard pressure that pressure damages the paint and even we see our ecu system and ignition system fails after the wash because the man error is their,   CHEMICAL  The  Chemical which is used for the for wash is standard chemical and fade our car color. Which later on reduce the worth of our car.   INTERIOR WASH We see that some people do interior was . Interior wash is good but yoiu can use any other alternative to clean the interior of your car because  firstly you may have some slectric  wiring inside which could be damage and if you clean your interior with water again and again their will be a smell of carpet etc in your interior probably you don want it.


The water pressure they use is not standard pressure that pressure damages the paint and even we see our ecu system and ignition system fails after the wash because the man error is there.


The  Chemical which is used for the for wash is standard chemical and fade our car color. Which later on reduce the worth of our car.


We see that some people do interior wash  Interior wash is good but you can use any other alternative to clean the interior of your car because  firstly you may have some electric  wiring inside which could be damage and if you clean your interior with water again and again their will be a smell of carpet etc in your interior probably you do not want it. 



Mileage failure  of a  car means the car average distance covered per mile or kilometer have reduced.
lower the  power higher the mileage like 660 cc give you 20 km per liter and 1600 cc gives you  only 
8-9 km.
MILEAGE FAILURE OF CAR Mileage failure  of a  car means the car average distance covered per mile or kilometer have reduced. lower the  power higher the mileage like 660 cc give you 20 km per liter and 1600 cc gives you  only  8-9 km.    what are the factors by which mileage of car reduce? Check out the spark plugs they may be old or rusty. The PETROL quality  matters if quality is goof you will have good mileage. The engine oil is not of good quality. Fuel Pump problem.  ECU engine controller unit is working properly the quality  mileage drops.

what are the factors by which mileage of car reduce?

  1. Check out the spark plugs they may be old or rusty.
  2. The PETROL quality  matters if quality is good you will have good mileage.
  3. The engine oil is not of good quality.
  4. Fuel Pump problem.
  5.  ECU engine controller unit is not working properly the   mileage drops.



OIL filter is necessary equipment or device its basic purpose of installation is to filter the  particles present in the oil. Modern lubrication requires metal free oil filter. EVERY  car has specific number of oil filter.
OIL FILTER FUNCTION OIL filter is necessary equipment or device its basic purpose of installation is to filter the  particles present in the oil. Modern lubrication requires metal free oil filter. EVERY  car has specific number of oil filter.    USE OF LOW QUALITY FILTER   To save  money by installing low quality filter can make your car swear damage.  Oil filter gets leak when extra fore is applied on the engine of the car. USING HIGH QUALITY FILTER If yo use high quality filter there is very less chance of leakage of filter. You can USE the filter twice For example one FILTER is enough for  two oil change.For the third time you have to change the filter.  TIPS TO CHANGE OF FILTER  Oil filter change is not that much difficult  and some tips to remember Oil the top of the filter and its rubber present at the top. Fix the oil Filter care fully . some filter have mouth inside and some have out talking of  fixation point.


  1.  To save  money by installing low quality filter can make your car swear damage.
  2.  Oil filter gets leak when extra force is applied on the engine of the car.


  1. If you use high quality filter there is very less chance of leakage of filter.
  2. You can USE the filter twice For example one FILTER is enough for  two oil change.For the third time you have to change the filter. 


Oil filter change is not that much difficult  and some tips to remember
  1. Oil the top of the filter and its rubber present at the top.
  2. Fix the oil Filter care fully . some filter have mouth inside and some have out talking of  fixation point.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019



We observe that when ever we change the oil the retailer ask about the grades?
What are these grades? how they benefit us? Is there any hidden message in these grades?

Simply answering to these questions yes these are important. They have hidden information in the 
codes. They are very useful for our engine life. EVERY GRADE have different effects on engine and according to the seasons. lowest grade is 0W-20 and highest grade is 20W-50 but in 50 grade is also available in local pakaging with local brand used for pressure jacks and old machinery.

IMPORTANCE OF GRADING IN OIL We observe that when every we change the oil the retailer ask about the grades? what are these grades? how they benefit us? Is there any hidden massage in these grades?  Simply answering to these question yes these are important. They have hidden information in the  codes. They are very useful for our engine life. EVERY GRADES have different effects on engine and according to the seasons. lowest grade is 0W-20 and highest grades is 20W-50 but in 50 grade is also available in local pakaging with local brand used for pressure jacks and old machinery.           XX W- YY Now what does the basic codes says: According to SAE  society for the automotive engine have design the scale according to them grades are checked as numbers allotted.    xx stands for   In winter the oil viscosity will low and it will have high change to pump lower the number lower the viscosity high performance in winter. W stands for W stands for at which degree oil viscosity is maintain or oil can bear. YY stands for In hot hot summer day the viscosity is high performance is high and to what extend the oil can bear the heat.


Now what does the basic codes says:
According to SAE  society for the automotive engine have design the scale according to them grades are checked as numbers allotted.   

xx stands for  

In winter the oil viscosity will low and it will have high change to pump lower the number lower the viscosity high performance in winter.

W stands for

W stands for at which degree oil viscosity is maintain or oil can bear.

YY stands for

In hot summer day the viscosity is high performance is high and to what extend the oil can bear the heat.



Every part or component of engine is important but there are some parts which are highly important and they are inter linked with each other if one of the part is damage the other part also gets damage especially for HONDA consumers. HONDA parts are very expensive to other brands. 
listing down the parts:


These are the parts which are present inside the engine head and have up-down movement and make them open and close. When they are open they allow the mixtures to enter to the combustion area and control the emission of gases. They have very accurate timing for movement and give maximum strength to run the engine more efficiently.

ENGINE HIGHLY IMPORTANT PARTS Our engine every part or component is important but there are some parts which highly important parts  and they inter linked with each other if one of the part is damage the other part also gets damage especially for HONDA consumers. HONDA parts are very expensive to other brands.  listing down the parts: 1- VALVES 2- PISTON 2-TIME BELT 4- TIME BEARING  VALVES  These are the parts which is present inside the engine head and have up-down movement and make their open and close. When they are open they allow the mixtures to enter and to the combustion area and control the emission of gases. They have very accurate timing for movement and give maximum strength to run the engine more efficiently.  PISTON      Generally this device which is used to make power. They are in cylindrical form and  so smooth from the top and in box in which they are present is generally with zero with that is why good engine is required to rum this parts. It is the part of the combustion chamber and its is used to convert the energy into the mechanical energy.   TIME BEARING    Time bearing is the the small product of your car but the function is very important. Every part is aligned with specific time to work exhaust will work after the combustion process and the combustion take place after the ignition these are function are aligned in specific direction and time and the component which keep them aligned is TIME BEARING.                                                                                       TIME BELT  TIME BELT   Time belt or time chain is used around the time bearing and the head pully so the component get the direction to work. In corolla and Suzuki we have time chain the function is same but the quality and the life time is different time chain have life of 50000-60000 miles and time belt like use in Honda have 100000 miles life. after aging time belt and chain start a uncomfortable load noise which indicated that it time to change the component.  PISTON 

Generally this device which is used to make power. This is in cylindrical form and so smooth from the top and in box in which they are present is generally with zero with that is why good engine is required to run this part. It is the part of the combustion chamber and its is used to convert the energy into the mechanical energy.


ENGINE HIGHLY IMPORTANT PARTS Our engine every part or component is important but there are some parts which highly important parts  and they inter linked with each other if one of the part is damage the other part also gets damage especially for HONDA consumers. HONDA parts are very expensive to other brands.  listing down the parts: 1- VALVES 2- PISTON 2-TIME BELT 4- TIME BEARING  VALVES  These are the parts which is present inside the engine head and have up-down movement and make their open and close. When they are open they allow the mixtures to enter and to the combustion area and control the emission of gases. They have very accurate timing for movement and give maximum strength to run the engine more efficiently.  PISTON      Generally this device which is used to make power. They are in cylindrical form and  so smooth from the top and in box in which they are present is generally with zero with that is why good engine is required to rum this parts. It is the part of the combustion chamber and its is used to convert the energy into the mechanical energy.   TIME BEARING    Time bearing is the the small product of your car but the function is very important. Every part is aligned with specific time to work exhaust will work after the combustion process and the combustion take place after the ignition these are function are aligned in specific direction and time and the component which keep them aligned is TIME BEARING.                                                                                       TIME BELT  TIME BELT   Time belt or time chain is used around the time bearing and the head pully so the component get the direction to work. In corolla and Suzuki we have time chain the function is same but the quality and the life time is different time chain have life of 50000-60000 miles and time belt like use in Honda have 100000 miles life. after aging time belt and chain start a uncomfortable load noise which indicated that it time to change the component.
Time bearing is the the small product of your car but its function is very important. Every part is aligned with specific time to work exhaust will work after the combustion process and the combustion take place after the ignition these functions are aligned in specific direction and time and the component which keep them aligned is TIME BEARING.

ENGINE HIGHLY IMPORTANT PARTS Our engine every part or component is important but there are some parts which highly important parts  and they inter linked with each other if one of the part is damage the other part also gets damage especially for HONDA consumers. HONDA parts are very expensive to other brands.  listing down the parts: 1- VALVES 2- PISTON 2-TIME BELT 4- TIME BEARING  VALVES  These are the parts which is present inside the engine head and have up-down movement and make their open and close. When they are open they allow the mixtures to enter and to the combustion area and control the emission of gases. They have very accurate timing for movement and give maximum strength to run the engine more efficiently.  PISTON      Generally this device which is used to make power. They are in cylindrical form and  so smooth from the top and in box in which they are present is generally with zero with that is why good engine is required to rum this parts. It is the part of the combustion chamber and its is used to convert the energy into the mechanical energy.   TIME BEARING    Time bearing is the the small product of your car but the function is very important. Every part is aligned with specific time to work exhaust will work after the combustion process and the combustion take place after the ignition these are function are aligned in specific direction and time and the component which keep them aligned is TIME BEARING.                                                                                       TIME BELT  TIME BELT   Time belt or time chain is used around the time bearing and the head pully so the component get the direction to work. In corolla and Suzuki we have time chain the function is same but the quality and the life time is different time chain have life of 50000-60000 miles and time belt like use in Honda have 100000 miles life. after aging time belt and chain start a uncomfortable load noise which indicated that it time to change the component.

Time belt or time chain is used around the time bearing and the head pully so the component get the direction to work. In corolla and Suzuki we have time chain the function is same but the quality and the life time is different. Time chain have life of 50000-60000 miles and time belt like used in Honda have 100000 miles life. After aging time belt and chain start a uncomfortable load noise which indicates that it is the time to change the component.



WHAT IS FUNCTION OF CATALYTIC CONVERTER?       Catalytic converter is basically a mechanism for CAR ENGINE for both diesel and petrol to make it less toxic. The air emitted by the exhaust  system of a vehicle which is made by the internal combustion inside the engine which is very toxic in nature and harm the environment. Polluted element reduction or you can say the (RED OX  REDUCTION ) take place by the CATALYTIC CONVERTER to make the emission gases less effected  to environment.      Catalytic converter in automobile is installed in the exhaust pipe its like the honey comb structure and filter the gases. There is metallic foil in the devises by which the the 2 way or 3 way chemical reduction reaction take place and the  toxic component like carbonmon oxide is removed.  2 WAY REACTION This type of reaction take place when the carbon mono oxide is converted to carbon-di-oxide.   "OXI-CAT" or the OXIDATION.  For the diesel engine the UN-burnt  hydro-carbon or partially burnt hydro-carbon is removed  by the oxidation.  3 WAY REACTION In the THREE way reaction the catalytic converter  reduces the amount of emission of  nitrogen oxide (N2), nitrogen mono-Oxide (NO) and nitrous oxide (N2O)

Catalytic converter is basically a mechanism for CAR ENGINE for both diesel and petrol to make it less toxic. The air emitted by the exhaust  system of a vehicle which is made by the internal combustion inside the engine which is very toxic in nature and harm the environment. Polluted element reduction or you can say the (REDOX  REACTION ) take place by the CATALYTIC CONVERTER to make the emission gases less effective  to environment.  

Catalytic converter in automobile is installed in the exhaust pipe its like the honey comb structure and filter the gases. There is metallic foil in the devises by which the 2 way or 3 way chemical reduction reaction take place and the  toxic component like carbonmonoxide is removed.


This type of reaction takes place when the carbon monooxide is converted to carbon-di-oxide.
WHAT IS FUNCTION OF CATALYTIC CONVERTER?       Catalytic converter is basically a mechanism for CAR ENGINE for both diesel and petrol to make it less toxic. The air emitted by the exhaust  system of a vehicle which is made by the internal combustion inside the engine which is very toxic in nature and harm the environment. Polluted element reduction or you can say the (RED OX  REDUCTION ) take place by the CATALYTIC CONVERTER to make the emission gases less effected  to environment.      Catalytic converter in automobile is installed in the exhaust pipe its like the honey comb structure and filter the gases. There is metallic foil in the devises by which the the 2 way or 3 way chemical reduction reaction take place and the  toxic component like carbonmon oxide is removed.  2 WAY REACTION This type of reaction take place when the carbon mono oxide is converted to carbon-di-oxide.   "OXI-CAT" or the OXIDATION.  For the diesel engine the UN-burnt  hydro-carbon or partially burnt hydro-carbon is removed  by the oxidation.  3 WAY REACTION In the THREE way reaction the catalytic converter  reduces the amount of emission of  nitrogen oxide (N2), nitrogen mono-Oxide (NO) and nitrous oxide (N2O) "OXI-CAT" or the OXIDATION.
For the diesel engine the UN-burnt  hydro-carbon or partially burnt hydro-carbon is removed  by the oxidation.


In the THREE way reaction the catalytic converter  reduces the amount of emission of  nitrogen oxide (N2), nitrogen mono-Oxide (NO) and nitrous oxide (N2O)



The braking system of vehicle till 1970 was traditional brake with pedal uses pressure system to metal disc creating friction between metal drum and metal disc and make the vehicle to stop.



GEAR BOX It is a case where the gear of automobiles shifting take place. the box have several bearing which rotates according to multiply the torque of it. Minimum gear box gave 5 gears 4 the forward movement and the 5th gear is for the reverse.    GEAR box transmit the the force  obtained from the engine to wheels. Every gear box is have some following components bearing , shifting channels and the liver .  some gear box is operated manual with clutch but some are operated with acceleration of gas. In the front wheel drive the gear box is attached to engine directly and in the rear wheel dive the gear box is attached engine under the front seat we usually see that under the trucks and this is call transmission tunnel.    OIL of the gears is not the same as the engine oil its oil is named as ATF . when your gear oil is low you will observe that while putting the gear the bearings slips over and make a bad noise or when you put the gear but the gear box do not take it and you apply greater force to apply the gear or shit the gear. Clutch setting matters allot for the shifting the gear some time we misunderstood that gear is faulty but the reason of clutch we have to adjust the clutch for smooth running gear. It is a case where the gear of automobiles shifting take place. The box have several bearing which rotates according to multiply the torque of it. Minimum gear box gave 5 gears. 4 for the forward movement and the 5th gear is for the reverse.

GEAR box transmit the force  obtained from the engine to wheels. Every gear box have following components bearing , shifting channels and the liver .
Some gear box is operated manual with clutch but some are operated with acceleration of gas. In the front wheel drive the gear box is attached to engine directly and in the rear wheel dive the gear box is attached to engine under the front seat we usually see that under the trucks and this is call transmission tunnel.

GEAR BOX It is a case where the gear of automobiles shifting take place. the box have several bearing which rotates according to multiply the torque of it. Minimum gear box gave 5 gears 4 the forward movement and the 5th gear is for the reverse.    GEAR box transmit the the force  obtained from the engine to wheels. Every gear box is have some following components bearing , shifting channels and the liver .  some gear box is operated manual with clutch but some are operated with acceleration of gas. In the front wheel drive the gear box is attached to engine directly and in the rear wheel dive the gear box is attached engine under the front seat we usually see that under the trucks and this is call transmission tunnel.    OIL of the gears is not the same as the engine oil its oil is named as ATF . when your gear oil is low you will observe that while putting the gear the bearings slips over and make a bad noise or when you put the gear but the gear box do not take it and you apply greater force to apply the gear or shit the gear. Clutch setting matters allot for the shifting the gear some time we misunderstood that gear is faulty but the reason of clutch we have to adjust the clutch for smooth running gear. OIL of the gears is not the same as the engine oil its oil is named as ATF . when your gear oil is low you will observe that while putting the gear the bearings slips over and make a bad noise or when you put the gear but the gear box do not take it and you apply greater force to apply the gear or shit the gear. Clutch setting matters alot for the shifting the gear some time we misunderstood that gear is faulty but the reason of clutch we have to adjust the clutch for smooth running gear. 



Suspension is the arrangement of tires, tire air, springs, safeguards and linkages that interfaces a
SUSPENSION SYSTEM OF CAR Suspension is the arrangement of tires, tire air, springs, safeguards and linkages that interfaces a   vehicle to its haggles relative movement between the two.The structure of front and back suspension of a vehicle may not be same. FUNCTION OF SUSPENSION SYSTEM Suspension system is for the creating the maximum amount of the friction between car tyres and the road. It is used for the handling of the car in sharp turn and in zig zag cutting you observe the movement of body of car is controlled by it. It also absorbs the the vibration and the strong jerk force from the road. shock or suspension system should be check properly in periodic period of time because that system can be easily damage. This system mainly  damage because of the following reason.  BY DRIFTING    Drifting in young teenagers considered as cool and fun act but that can lead to death because when you drift you apply full force from the engine but do not allow the tyres to movie or spin hence every part of the suspension is forcefully block to perform and this can be fatal. NOT CHANGING OF OIL Ignorance in changing of the shock or suspension oil will lead to destroy the suspension system when they will get rough. after 30000 km suspension oil should be changed. DAMAGE SEAL  In rough cutting and not applying brakes on jumps can damage the seal of the suspension again will lead to escape of oil from it and whole system destroy. ROTATING THE TREYS ON THE SPOT Again when the immature or newly learnt driver  turns the wheel  on spot without moving the car will damage your suspension bracket.
vehicle to its haggles relative movement between the two.The structure of front and back suspension of a vehicle may not be same.


Suspension system is for creating the maximum amount of the friction between car tyres and the road. It is used for the handling of the car in sharp turn and in zig zag cutting you observe the movement of body of car is controlled by it. It also absorbs the vibration and the strong jerk force from the road.
Shock or suspension system should be checked properly in periodic period of time because that system can be easily damaged. This system mainly  damage because of the following reason.

SUSPENSION SYSTEM OF CAR Suspension is the arrangement of tires, tire air, springs, safeguards and linkages that interfaces a   vehicle to its haggles relative movement between the two.The structure of front and back suspension of a vehicle may not be same. FUNCTION OF SUSPENSION SYSTEM Suspension system is for the creating the maximum amount of the friction between car tyres and the road. It is used for the handling of the car in sharp turn and in zig zag cutting you observe the movement of body of car is controlled by it. It also absorbs the the vibration and the strong jerk force from the road. shock or suspension system should be check properly in periodic period of time because that system can be easily damage. This system mainly  damage because of the following reason.  BY DRIFTING    Drifting in young teenagers considered as cool and fun act but that can lead to death because when you drift you apply full force from the engine but do not allow the tyres to movie or spin hence every part of the suspension is forcefully block to perform and this can be fatal. NOT CHANGING OF OIL Ignorance in changing of the shock or suspension oil will lead to destroy the suspension system when they will get rough. after 30000 km suspension oil should be changed. DAMAGE SEAL  In rough cutting and not applying brakes on jumps can damage the seal of the suspension again will lead to escape of oil from it and whole system destroy. ROTATING THE TREYS ON THE SPOT Again when the immature or newly learnt driver  turns the wheel  on spot without moving the car will damage your suspension bracket.

Drifting in young teenagers considered as cool and fun act but that can lead to death because when you drift you apply full force from the engine but do not allow the tyres to move or spin hence every part of the suspension is forcefully blocked to perform and this can be fatal.


Ignorance in changing of the shock or suspension oil will lead to destroy the suspension system when they will get rough. after 30000 km suspension oil should be changed.


In rough cutting and not applying brakes on jumps can damage the seal of the suspension again will lead to escape of oil from it and whole system destroys.


Again when the immature or newly learnt driver  turns the wheel  on spot without moving the car will damage your suspension bracket.



Is your car A/C is leaking water?you do not understand what to do and how to fix it?
There are two things in the car A/C leakage if the car is dropping water outside that is fine its normal
VEHICLE A/C WATER TROUBLE LEAKAGE Is your car A/C is leaking water?you do not understand what to do and how to fix it?  There are two things in the car A/C leakage if the car is dropping water outside that is fine its normal    specially in summer when cabin is full of heat the A/C expel the heat out and make the cabin cooler.  on other hand, if the car A/c is dropping water inside the car that will be a problem for you until and unless somebody  have not spilled the water or any other liquid inside the car.it could be a non-A/C related issue.     For instance, an ineffectively introduced windshield or old sunroof could permit water into the lodge. Over the top erosion is another offender, as it might make modest openings structure in your vehicle's body boards. What's more, have you been in a fender bender or minor collision of late? The creases in your vehicle's body boards can tear open and enable water to stream in.     The planning of the break can likewise warn you with respect to whether it's A/C-related. In the event that you see water pooling inside your vehicle amid wet and blustery conditions, research the zones referenced previously. Then again, if the A/C is the source, water will probably appear on hot and bright days when you use it the most.    Causes of leakage Flawed Seals  In the event that plastic or elastic seals in your A/C framework fall flat, water can leak out of the framework and into your vehicle lodge. If so, you'll presumably see the water pooling up under the traveler side floor mats.   Spilling Evaporator Center  An evaporator center seems to be like a radiator—practically like a major mesh. It's feasible for leaves or other natural material to come to the evaporator through the air admission vents. As this material separates, it ends up destructive and can cause your evaporator center to rust, enabling water to spill.   On the off chance that you see a smelly smell originating from the vents when you at first impact the A/C, you're most likely getting a whiff of those decaying leaves in your evaporator center. On the off chance that this is the issue, the evaporator will require supplanting.
specially in summer when cabin is full of heat the A/C expel the heat out and make the cabin cooler.
on other hand, if the car A/c is dropping water inside the car that will be a problem for you until and unless somebody  have not spilled the water or any other liquid inside the car,it could be a non-A/C related issue. 

For instance, an ineffectively introduced windshield or old sunroof could permit water into the lodge. Over the top erosion is another offender, as it might make modest openings structure in your vehicle's body boards. What's more, have you been in a fender bender or minor collision of late? The creases in your vehicle's body boards can tear open and enable water to stream in.

The planning of the break can likewise warn you with respect to whether it's A/C-related. In the event that you see water pooling inside your vehicle amid wet and blustery conditions, research the zones referenced previously. Then again, if the A/C is the source, water will probably appear on hot and bright days when you use it the most.

Causes of leakage

Flawed Seals 

In the event that plastic or elastic seals in your A/C framework fall flat, water can leak out of the framework and into your vehicle lodge. If so, you'll presumably see the water pooling up under the traveler side floor mats.

Spilling Evaporator Center 

An evaporator center seems to be like a radiator—practically like a major mesh. It's feasible for leaves or other natural material to come to the evaporator through the air admission vents. As this material separates, it ends up destructive and can cause your evaporator center to rust, enabling water to spill.
On the off chance that you see a smelly smell originating from the vents when you at first impact the A/C, you're most likely getting a whiff of those decaying leaves in your evaporator center. On the off chance that this is the issue, the evaporator will require supplanting.



SPARK PLUGS is a small device which is used to deliver the electric current from the ignition to combustion chamber. Its a small device but is very important. Bikes have 1 spark plug and in cars minimum number of plug is 4.
WHAT ARE SPARK PLUGS? SPARK PLUGS is a small device which is use deliver the electric current from the ignition to combustion chamber. Its a small device but is very important bikes have 1 spark plug and in cars minimum number of plug is 4.    HOW IMPORTANT IS YOUR SPARK PLUG? Well that very important part of any ride if spark plug goes missing you will not be able to start your car engine.  WHAT IF SPARK PLUG GOES BAD? the plug goes bad the the car will start missing and jerking    will start  and fuel economy will drop deadly. One should change the plug periodically. Sometime the plug is fine but it is covered with rust and sometime with oil. you just need to clean it with proper method and if your car is runs on daily basis then its recommended to change the plugs after one year. The car mechanics in tuning generally tight the bolts and fix the head but main work is of spark plug if your car is getting heavy in  taking race surely that will be problem of the spark plugs.  when you wash your car engine try to save the area where car computer and plugs are there because if they get contact with water they will become rusty and until they are moist there will be no combustion and engine will not start.


Well it is very important part of any ride if spark plug goes missing you will not be able to start your car engine.
WHAT IF SPARK PLUG GOES BAD? the plug goes bad the  car will start missing and jerking
WHAT ARE SPARK PLUGS? SPARK PLUGS is a small device which is use deliver the electric current from the ignition to combustion chamber. Its a small device but is very important bikes have 1 spark plug and in cars minimum number of plug is 4.    HOW IMPORTANT IS YOUR SPARK PLUG? Well that very important part of any ride if spark plug goes missing you will not be able to start your car engine.  WHAT IF SPARK PLUG GOES BAD? the plug goes bad the the car will start missing and jerking    will start  and fuel economy will drop deadly. One should change the plug periodically. Sometime the plug is fine but it is covered with rust and sometime with oil. you just need to clean it with proper method and if your car is runs on daily basis then its recommended to change the plugs after one year. The car mechanics in tuning generally tight the bolts and fix the head but main work is of spark plug if your car is getting heavy in  taking race surely that will be problem of the spark plugs.  when you wash your car engine try to save the area where car computer and plugs are there because if they get contact with water they will become rusty and until they are moist there will be no combustion and engine will not start.
will start  and fuel economy will drop deadly. One should change the plug periodically. Sometime the plug is fine but it is covered with rust and sometimes with oil. you just need to clean it with proper method and if your car runs on daily basis then its recommended to change the plugs after one year. The car mechanics in tuning generally tight the bolts and fix the head but main work is of spark plug if your car is getting heavy in  taking race surely that will be problem of the spark plugs.
when you wash your car engine try to save the area where car computer and plugs are there because if they get contact with water they will become rusty and until they are moist there will be no combustion and engine will not start.



HAND BRAKE SYSTEM   In vehicle there are two brake  paddle brake and hand brake.    Hand brakes also named as parking brakes or emergency brakes.  mostly this brake is applied for rear wheel by the mechanism of  steel wire or pressure system. use of hand brake  Its is used as a parking brake to stop the car at one position the rear wheel gets lock even you give gas to your vehicle it will not move until unless hand brakes are damage. It prevents to flow back or reverse in direction. never apply hand brakes when your are in speed or else with no time vehicle will start rolling over.
HAND BRAKE SYSTEM   In vehicle there are two brake  paddle brake and hand brake.    Hand brakes also named as parking brakes or emergency brakes.  mostly this brake is applied for rear wheel by the mechanism of  steel wire or pressure system. use of hand brake  Its is used as a parking brake to stop the car at one position the rear wheel gets lock even you give gas to your vehicle it will not move until unless hand brakes are damage. It prevents to flow back or reverse in direction. never apply hand brakes when your are in speed or else with no time vehicle will start rolling over.In vehicle there are two brakes  paddle brake and hand brake.
Hand brake also named as parking brakes or emergency brakes. 
mostly this brake is applied for rear wheel by the mechanism of  steel wire or pressure system.

Use of hand brake

Its is used as a parking brake to stop the car at one position the rear wheel gets lock even you give gas to your vehicle it will not move until or unless hand brakes are damage.
It prevents to flow back or reverse in direction.
Never apply hand brakes when you are in speed or else with no time vehicle will start rolling over.



WHEEL HUB GONE BAD   This round circular thing is present with alloy rims and wheel basically its a support to Tyre and alloy rim is attached to it with mean of 4-6 nut bolts. wheel hub have bearings with in it and which rotates with Axial. What if wheel hub goes damage? Is it possible? YES, every wheel hub have bearings in it with coverage of maximum miles of 40-50 thousand that is an average the bearing damage its life is over. What possibly can happen if Wheel hub goes bad? If wheel hub goes bad their might a chance of wheel to get broken which is serious and suppose that all happens when you are in high speed your car can turn over.  WHAT are the symptoms of damage wheel hub? vibration in wheel. while applying brakes vehicles gets out of balance. wheel are not balanced. How can we observe the bad sound of wheel hub? Drive slowly on a smooth road and closely observe the sound coming you will recognize the sound easily.
This round circular thing is present with alloy rims and wheel basically its a support to Tyre and alloy rim is attached to it with mean of 4-6 nut bolts.
Wheel hub have bearings with in it and which rotates with Axial.

What if wheel hub goes damage? Is it possible?

YES, every wheel hub have bearings in it with coverage of maximum miles of 40-50 thousand that is an average. The bearing damage its life is over.

What possibly can happen if Wheel hub goes bad?

If wheel hub goes bad their might be a chance of wheel to get broken which is serious and suppose that all happens when you are in high speed your car can turn over. 

WHAT are the symptoms of damage wheel hub?

  1. vibration in wheel.
  2. while applying brakes vehicles gets out of balance.
  3. wheels are not balanced.

How can we observe the bad sound of wheel hub?

Drive slowly on a smooth road and closely observe the sound coming you will recognize the sound easily. 

Monday, May 13, 2019



TOP 3 ISSUE IN STARTING  CAR ENGINE     Troubleshoot Car Engine There may be many problems but TOP 3 problems are basic and one should fined out first out these where the problem lie?   Here are the three reasons  Mechanical problem Electrical problem Fuel problem Mechanical problem Main-factor in troubleshoot engine in mechanical work is your engine parts are not working properly and there like TIME BELT, TIME BEARING , GAS KIT, PISTON, etc one should identify first that which part is defected and what is the function of that part? only then one can fix it.  Electric problem the main issue which mostly occur is electrical issue. This issue is common but mostly people get temporary solution main-factors includes BATTERY LINKED ISSUE, WIRING ISSUE, STARTING ISSUE, OLD REMOTE, etc you need to check is every month or periodically by a authentic expert to have safe and trouble free ride.  Fuel problem IF you have empty tank that will be money issue not car but if your fuel pump is not working the engine will not start and if the car  do not pass the current to fuel pump then again you will have trouble. Check the current with fuse current.

Troubleshoot Car Engine

There may be many problems but TOP 3 problems are basic and one should find-out first where the problem lie? 
Here are the three reasons

Mechanical problem
Electrical problem
Fuel problem

Mechanical problem

Main-factor in troubleshoot engine in mechanical work is your engine parts are not working properly and there like TIME BELT, TIME BEARING , GAS KIT, PISTON, etc one should identify first that which part is defected and what is the function of that part? only then one can fix it.

Electric problem

The main issue which mostly occurs is electrical issue. This issue is common but mostly people get temporary solution main-factors includes BATTERY LINKED ISSUE, WIRING ISSUE, STARTING ISSUE, OLD REMOTE, etc you need to check it every month or periodically by an authentic expert to have safe and trouble free ride.

Fuel problem

IF you have empty tank that will be money issue not car but if your fuel pump is not working the engine will not start and if the car  do not pass the current to fuel pump then again you will have trouble. Check the current with fuse current.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019


A modern car’s Engine Management System consists of different vary of electronic and electrical parts. It contains engine sensors, relays, and actuators that job along. they supply the car’s Engine management Unit with important knowledge parameters essential to manipulate numerous engine functions effectively. typically speaking, Engine sensors are the Electro-mechanical devices that monitor numerous engine parameters. Associate engine uses differing kinds of sensors. The are Thermo-couples, Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTDs), and Hall result sensors.   Types of Engine Sensors: A thermometer detector could be a temperature measuring instrument. It converts temperature into the electrical charge. Thermo-couples use 2 totally different conductors that contact one another at one or additional spots. Thus, it produces voltage. Thermo-couples are usually used as temperature sensors. It lives and controls the temperature like within the case of Engine agent Temperature RTDs or Resistance Temperature Detectors conjointly measure the temperature. However, they are doing therefore by correlating the resistance of the RTD part with temperature. RTD part is created of pure metals like the Pt, nickel or copper. Associate air-con A Hall-Effect detector contains a electrical device that varies its output voltage consistent with the field of force. Typically, Hall-Effect sensors discover the speed or rate. The positioning applications in vehicles use this sort of detector. So, they're used for police work the shaft speed or its position. A contemporary automobile has the subsequent engine sensors: Thus, when shrewd the fuel amount, the engine computer unit  sends signals to numerous relays and actuators. They embody the Ignition Circuit, Spark Plugs, Fuel Injectors, engine idleness air management valve, and exhaust Gas Re-circulation (EGR) valve. Thus, it extracts the most effective doable engine performance whereas keeping emissions as low as doable. since all the sensors connect with the engine computer unit, in turn, it may monitor them for a malfunction.sensors

What is the function of Engine Sensors and what are they?

A modern car’s Engine Management System consists of different vary of electronic and electrical parts. It contains engine sensors, relays, and actuators that job along. they supply the car’s Engine management Unit with important knowledge parameters essential to manipulate numerous engine functions effectively. typically speaking, Engine sensors are the Electro-mechanical devices that monitor numerous engine parameters. Associate engine uses different kinds of sensors. They are Thermo-couples, Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTDs), and Hall result sensors.

 Types of Engine Sensors:

A thermometer detector could be a temperature measuring instrument. It converts temperature into the electrical charge. Thermo-couples use 2 totally different conductors that contact one another at one or additional spots. Thus, it produces voltage. Thermo-couples are usually used as temperature sensors. It lives and controls the temperature like within the case of Engine agent Temperature RTDs or Resistance Temperature Detectors conjointly measure the temperature. However, they are doing therefore by correlating the resistance of the RTD part with temperature. RTD part is created of pure metals like the Pt, nickel or copper. Associate air-con A Hall-Effect detector contains an electrical device that varies its output voltage consistent with the field of force. Typically, Hall-Effect sensors discover the speed or rate. The positioning applications in vehicles use this sort of detector. So, they're used for police work the shaft speed or its position. A contemporary automobile has the subsequent engine sensors: Thus, when shrewd the fuel amount, the engine computer unit  sends signals to numerous relays and actuators. They embody the Ignition Circuit, Spark Plugs, Fuel Injectors, engine idleness air management valve, and exhaust Gas Re-circulation (EGR) valve. Thus, it extracts the most effective doable engine performance whereas keeping emissions as low as doable. since all the sensors connect with the engine computer unit, in turn, it may monitor them for a malfunction.

Sunday, May 5, 2019



ENGINE IMMOBILIZER   ENGINE IMMOBILIZER DEVICE A device which is directly connected to Engine Computer Unit and act as a security system and prevents the signal or current to pass and ignition take place. Its a chip which now a days every car have but at unknown place the simplest form of this security system is present low rated vehicles.  SUZUKI MEH RAN but in latest and high rated vehicles have complex and most reliable engine immobilizer.  CONTROLLER OF IMMOBILIZER As its a security device and its controlled by remote and finger print in complex and high rated vehicles have voice controller also.      WORKING OF IMMOBILIZER  As its a chip inside the computer of the car or somewhere else in car or vehicle that chip have certain type of frequency when the key is inserted in the car to start that key also emits certain type of frequency and when both frequency matches the ECU of car allows the engine to start. EVERY key have its on frequency.   still how in low rated car this system is not that much successful but in high rated car vehicles like BMW, MERCEDES etc. have very strong and anti-theft system which is impossible to brake.  every key of immobilizer is different with respect to codes those keys which have codes inside them. They are expensive and can not be made easily with simple key maker.


A device which is directly connected to Engine Computer Unit and act as a security system and prevents the signal or current to pass and ignition take place. Its a chip which now a days every car have but at unknown place the simplest form of this security system is present in low rated vehicles.
SUZUKI MEHRAN but in latest and high rated vehicles have complex and most reliable engine immobilizer.


As its a security device and its controlled by remote and finger print in complex and high rated vehicles have voice controller also.
ENGINE IMMOBILIZER   ENGINE IMMOBILIZER DEVICE A device which is directly connected to Engine Computer Unit and act as a security system and prevents the signal or current to pass and ignition take place. Its a chip which now a days every car have but at unknown place the simplest form of this security system is present low rated vehicles.  SUZUKI MEH RAN but in latest and high rated vehicles have complex and most reliable engine immobilizer.  CONTROLLER OF IMMOBILIZER As its a security device and its controlled by remote and finger print in complex and high rated vehicles have voice controller also.      WORKING OF IMMOBILIZER  As its a chip inside the computer of the car or somewhere else in car or vehicle that chip have certain type of frequency when the key is inserted in the car to start that key also emits certain type of frequency and when both frequency matches the ECU of car allows the engine to start. EVERY key have its on frequency.   still how in low rated car this system is not that much successful but in high rated car vehicles like BMW, MERCEDES etc. have very strong and anti-theft system which is impossible to brake.  every key of immobilizer is different with respect to codes those keys which have codes inside them. They are expensive and can not be made easily with simple key maker.


As its a chip inside the computer of the car or somewhere else in car or vehicle that chip have certain type of frequency when the key is inserted in the car to start that key also emits certain type of frequency and when both frequencies matches the ECU of car allows the engine to start. EVERY key have its own frequency. 
Still in low rated car this system is not that much successful but in high rated car vehicles like BMW, MERCEDES etc. have very strong and anti-theft system which is impossible to brake.
Every key of immobilizer is different with respect to codes those keys which have codes inside them. They are expensive and can not be made easily with simple key maker. 



Connected your car battery with wrong terminal.Yes , some serious scene will  happen if your car does not support or have ECU fuse.

How to connect battery

First of all one should always remember the red point is positive and addition cap is there always connect the positive + side of your car battery to that RED wire. Your battery terminals and wire should be connected in a such way that there should not be any gap or lose situation or else battery terminal will gets spark that could be very dangerous.

Safety measure

While connecting the battery  if you are holding any sort of iron equipment PLEASE get rid of it. In most cases when car does damages to wiring is when connecting battery and the worker is holding an iron equipment which accidentally touches  body of car and damages happen.

If there is wrong terminal battery have connected

WRONG BATTERY TERMINAL CONNECTION  Connected your car battery with wrong terminal.Yes , some serious scene  WILL  happen if your car does not support or have ECU fuse.  How to connect battery  First all one should always remember the red point is positive and addition cap is there always connect the positive + side of your car battery to that RED wire your battery terminals and wire should be connected in a such way there should not be any gap or lose situation or else battery terminal will gets spark that could be very dangerous.  Safety measure  NOW while connecting the battery  if you are holding any sort of iron equipment PLEASE get rid it of in most case when car does damages to wring is the same that while connecting battery the worker was holding an iron equipment which attached to a body and damages happen.  If there is wrong terminal battery have connected      There will be two things  1 If your vehicle is not supporting the ECU system or does not have ECU then your wiring of your car will be damage. You can only fix it by changing your whole car wiring cables ONLY.  2 If your car support the ECU controller or have ECU in engine. Mostly now a days every car have ECU  controller there will be a MAIN FUSE bigger than 40 AMP that fuse will destroy to have rest of cars wiring and ECU and important parts. JUST pull out that fuse and put a same number of  AMP fuse in it your car will start.

There will be two things

1 If your vehicle is not supporting the ECU system or does not have ECU then wiring of your car will be damaged. You can only fix it by changing your whole car wiring cables ONLY.
2 If your car support the ECU controller or have ECU in engine. Mostly now a days every car have ECU  controller there will be a MAIN FUSE bigger than 40 AMP that fuse will destroy to have rest of cars wiring and ECU and important parts. JUST pull out that fuse and put a same number of  AMP fuse in it your car will start.