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Wednesday, May 15, 2019



YOU need your car to look like new and shiny you should make it by your self. People do not recognize that car washer what damages do to your car.
 CAR WASH YOUR CAR BY YOURSELF YOU need your car to look like new and shiny you should make it by your self. People do not recognize that he car washer what damages do to their car.    WATER PRESSURE  The water pressure they use is not standard pressure that pressure damages the paint and even we see our ecu system and ignition system fails after the wash because the man error is their,   CHEMICAL  The  Chemical which is used for the for wash is standard chemical and fade our car color. Which later on reduce the worth of our car.   INTERIOR WASH We see that some people do interior was . Interior wash is good but yoiu can use any other alternative to clean the interior of your car because  firstly you may have some slectric  wiring inside which could be damage and if you clean your interior with water again and again their will be a smell of carpet etc in your interior probably you don want it.


The water pressure they use is not standard pressure that pressure damages the paint and even we see our ecu system and ignition system fails after the wash because the man error is there.


The  Chemical which is used for the for wash is standard chemical and fade our car color. Which later on reduce the worth of our car.


We see that some people do interior wash  Interior wash is good but you can use any other alternative to clean the interior of your car because  firstly you may have some electric  wiring inside which could be damage and if you clean your interior with water again and again their will be a smell of carpet etc in your interior probably you do not want it. 



Mileage failure  of a  car means the car average distance covered per mile or kilometer have reduced.
lower the  power higher the mileage like 660 cc give you 20 km per liter and 1600 cc gives you  only 
8-9 km.
MILEAGE FAILURE OF CAR Mileage failure  of a  car means the car average distance covered per mile or kilometer have reduced. lower the  power higher the mileage like 660 cc give you 20 km per liter and 1600 cc gives you  only  8-9 km.    what are the factors by which mileage of car reduce? Check out the spark plugs they may be old or rusty. The PETROL quality  matters if quality is goof you will have good mileage. The engine oil is not of good quality. Fuel Pump problem.  ECU engine controller unit is working properly the quality  mileage drops.

what are the factors by which mileage of car reduce?

  1. Check out the spark plugs they may be old or rusty.
  2. The PETROL quality  matters if quality is good you will have good mileage.
  3. The engine oil is not of good quality.
  4. Fuel Pump problem.
  5.  ECU engine controller unit is not working properly the   mileage drops.



OIL filter is necessary equipment or device its basic purpose of installation is to filter the  particles present in the oil. Modern lubrication requires metal free oil filter. EVERY  car has specific number of oil filter.
OIL FILTER FUNCTION OIL filter is necessary equipment or device its basic purpose of installation is to filter the  particles present in the oil. Modern lubrication requires metal free oil filter. EVERY  car has specific number of oil filter.    USE OF LOW QUALITY FILTER   To save  money by installing low quality filter can make your car swear damage.  Oil filter gets leak when extra fore is applied on the engine of the car. USING HIGH QUALITY FILTER If yo use high quality filter there is very less chance of leakage of filter. You can USE the filter twice For example one FILTER is enough for  two oil change.For the third time you have to change the filter.  TIPS TO CHANGE OF FILTER  Oil filter change is not that much difficult  and some tips to remember Oil the top of the filter and its rubber present at the top. Fix the oil Filter care fully . some filter have mouth inside and some have out talking of  fixation point.


  1.  To save  money by installing low quality filter can make your car swear damage.
  2.  Oil filter gets leak when extra force is applied on the engine of the car.


  1. If you use high quality filter there is very less chance of leakage of filter.
  2. You can USE the filter twice For example one FILTER is enough for  two oil change.For the third time you have to change the filter. 


Oil filter change is not that much difficult  and some tips to remember
  1. Oil the top of the filter and its rubber present at the top.
  2. Fix the oil Filter care fully . some filter have mouth inside and some have out talking of  fixation point.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019



We observe that when ever we change the oil the retailer ask about the grades?
What are these grades? how they benefit us? Is there any hidden message in these grades?

Simply answering to these questions yes these are important. They have hidden information in the 
codes. They are very useful for our engine life. EVERY GRADE have different effects on engine and according to the seasons. lowest grade is 0W-20 and highest grade is 20W-50 but in 50 grade is also available in local pakaging with local brand used for pressure jacks and old machinery.

IMPORTANCE OF GRADING IN OIL We observe that when every we change the oil the retailer ask about the grades? what are these grades? how they benefit us? Is there any hidden massage in these grades?  Simply answering to these question yes these are important. They have hidden information in the  codes. They are very useful for our engine life. EVERY GRADES have different effects on engine and according to the seasons. lowest grade is 0W-20 and highest grades is 20W-50 but in 50 grade is also available in local pakaging with local brand used for pressure jacks and old machinery.           XX W- YY Now what does the basic codes says: According to SAE  society for the automotive engine have design the scale according to them grades are checked as numbers allotted.    xx stands for   In winter the oil viscosity will low and it will have high change to pump lower the number lower the viscosity high performance in winter. W stands for W stands for at which degree oil viscosity is maintain or oil can bear. YY stands for In hot hot summer day the viscosity is high performance is high and to what extend the oil can bear the heat.


Now what does the basic codes says:
According to SAE  society for the automotive engine have design the scale according to them grades are checked as numbers allotted.   

xx stands for  

In winter the oil viscosity will low and it will have high change to pump lower the number lower the viscosity high performance in winter.

W stands for

W stands for at which degree oil viscosity is maintain or oil can bear.

YY stands for

In hot summer day the viscosity is high performance is high and to what extend the oil can bear the heat.



Every part or component of engine is important but there are some parts which are highly important and they are inter linked with each other if one of the part is damage the other part also gets damage especially for HONDA consumers. HONDA parts are very expensive to other brands. 
listing down the parts:


These are the parts which are present inside the engine head and have up-down movement and make them open and close. When they are open they allow the mixtures to enter to the combustion area and control the emission of gases. They have very accurate timing for movement and give maximum strength to run the engine more efficiently.

ENGINE HIGHLY IMPORTANT PARTS Our engine every part or component is important but there are some parts which highly important parts  and they inter linked with each other if one of the part is damage the other part also gets damage especially for HONDA consumers. HONDA parts are very expensive to other brands.  listing down the parts: 1- VALVES 2- PISTON 2-TIME BELT 4- TIME BEARING  VALVES  These are the parts which is present inside the engine head and have up-down movement and make their open and close. When they are open they allow the mixtures to enter and to the combustion area and control the emission of gases. They have very accurate timing for movement and give maximum strength to run the engine more efficiently.  PISTON      Generally this device which is used to make power. They are in cylindrical form and  so smooth from the top and in box in which they are present is generally with zero with that is why good engine is required to rum this parts. It is the part of the combustion chamber and its is used to convert the energy into the mechanical energy.   TIME BEARING    Time bearing is the the small product of your car but the function is very important. Every part is aligned with specific time to work exhaust will work after the combustion process and the combustion take place after the ignition these are function are aligned in specific direction and time and the component which keep them aligned is TIME BEARING.                                                                                       TIME BELT  TIME BELT   Time belt or time chain is used around the time bearing and the head pully so the component get the direction to work. In corolla and Suzuki we have time chain the function is same but the quality and the life time is different time chain have life of 50000-60000 miles and time belt like use in Honda have 100000 miles life. after aging time belt and chain start a uncomfortable load noise which indicated that it time to change the component.  PISTON 

Generally this device which is used to make power. This is in cylindrical form and so smooth from the top and in box in which they are present is generally with zero with that is why good engine is required to run this part. It is the part of the combustion chamber and its is used to convert the energy into the mechanical energy.


ENGINE HIGHLY IMPORTANT PARTS Our engine every part or component is important but there are some parts which highly important parts  and they inter linked with each other if one of the part is damage the other part also gets damage especially for HONDA consumers. HONDA parts are very expensive to other brands.  listing down the parts: 1- VALVES 2- PISTON 2-TIME BELT 4- TIME BEARING  VALVES  These are the parts which is present inside the engine head and have up-down movement and make their open and close. When they are open they allow the mixtures to enter and to the combustion area and control the emission of gases. They have very accurate timing for movement and give maximum strength to run the engine more efficiently.  PISTON      Generally this device which is used to make power. They are in cylindrical form and  so smooth from the top and in box in which they are present is generally with zero with that is why good engine is required to rum this parts. It is the part of the combustion chamber and its is used to convert the energy into the mechanical energy.   TIME BEARING    Time bearing is the the small product of your car but the function is very important. Every part is aligned with specific time to work exhaust will work after the combustion process and the combustion take place after the ignition these are function are aligned in specific direction and time and the component which keep them aligned is TIME BEARING.                                                                                       TIME BELT  TIME BELT   Time belt or time chain is used around the time bearing and the head pully so the component get the direction to work. In corolla and Suzuki we have time chain the function is same but the quality and the life time is different time chain have life of 50000-60000 miles and time belt like use in Honda have 100000 miles life. after aging time belt and chain start a uncomfortable load noise which indicated that it time to change the component.
Time bearing is the the small product of your car but its function is very important. Every part is aligned with specific time to work exhaust will work after the combustion process and the combustion take place after the ignition these functions are aligned in specific direction and time and the component which keep them aligned is TIME BEARING.

ENGINE HIGHLY IMPORTANT PARTS Our engine every part or component is important but there are some parts which highly important parts  and they inter linked with each other if one of the part is damage the other part also gets damage especially for HONDA consumers. HONDA parts are very expensive to other brands.  listing down the parts: 1- VALVES 2- PISTON 2-TIME BELT 4- TIME BEARING  VALVES  These are the parts which is present inside the engine head and have up-down movement and make their open and close. When they are open they allow the mixtures to enter and to the combustion area and control the emission of gases. They have very accurate timing for movement and give maximum strength to run the engine more efficiently.  PISTON      Generally this device which is used to make power. They are in cylindrical form and  so smooth from the top and in box in which they are present is generally with zero with that is why good engine is required to rum this parts. It is the part of the combustion chamber and its is used to convert the energy into the mechanical energy.   TIME BEARING    Time bearing is the the small product of your car but the function is very important. Every part is aligned with specific time to work exhaust will work after the combustion process and the combustion take place after the ignition these are function are aligned in specific direction and time and the component which keep them aligned is TIME BEARING.                                                                                       TIME BELT  TIME BELT   Time belt or time chain is used around the time bearing and the head pully so the component get the direction to work. In corolla and Suzuki we have time chain the function is same but the quality and the life time is different time chain have life of 50000-60000 miles and time belt like use in Honda have 100000 miles life. after aging time belt and chain start a uncomfortable load noise which indicated that it time to change the component.

Time belt or time chain is used around the time bearing and the head pully so the component get the direction to work. In corolla and Suzuki we have time chain the function is same but the quality and the life time is different. Time chain have life of 50000-60000 miles and time belt like used in Honda have 100000 miles life. After aging time belt and chain start a uncomfortable load noise which indicates that it is the time to change the component.



WHAT IS FUNCTION OF CATALYTIC CONVERTER?       Catalytic converter is basically a mechanism for CAR ENGINE for both diesel and petrol to make it less toxic. The air emitted by the exhaust  system of a vehicle which is made by the internal combustion inside the engine which is very toxic in nature and harm the environment. Polluted element reduction or you can say the (RED OX  REDUCTION ) take place by the CATALYTIC CONVERTER to make the emission gases less effected  to environment.      Catalytic converter in automobile is installed in the exhaust pipe its like the honey comb structure and filter the gases. There is metallic foil in the devises by which the the 2 way or 3 way chemical reduction reaction take place and the  toxic component like carbonmon oxide is removed.  2 WAY REACTION This type of reaction take place when the carbon mono oxide is converted to carbon-di-oxide.   "OXI-CAT" or the OXIDATION.  For the diesel engine the UN-burnt  hydro-carbon or partially burnt hydro-carbon is removed  by the oxidation.  3 WAY REACTION In the THREE way reaction the catalytic converter  reduces the amount of emission of  nitrogen oxide (N2), nitrogen mono-Oxide (NO) and nitrous oxide (N2O)

Catalytic converter is basically a mechanism for CAR ENGINE for both diesel and petrol to make it less toxic. The air emitted by the exhaust  system of a vehicle which is made by the internal combustion inside the engine which is very toxic in nature and harm the environment. Polluted element reduction or you can say the (REDOX  REACTION ) take place by the CATALYTIC CONVERTER to make the emission gases less effective  to environment.  

Catalytic converter in automobile is installed in the exhaust pipe its like the honey comb structure and filter the gases. There is metallic foil in the devises by which the 2 way or 3 way chemical reduction reaction take place and the  toxic component like carbonmonoxide is removed.


This type of reaction takes place when the carbon monooxide is converted to carbon-di-oxide.
WHAT IS FUNCTION OF CATALYTIC CONVERTER?       Catalytic converter is basically a mechanism for CAR ENGINE for both diesel and petrol to make it less toxic. The air emitted by the exhaust  system of a vehicle which is made by the internal combustion inside the engine which is very toxic in nature and harm the environment. Polluted element reduction or you can say the (RED OX  REDUCTION ) take place by the CATALYTIC CONVERTER to make the emission gases less effected  to environment.      Catalytic converter in automobile is installed in the exhaust pipe its like the honey comb structure and filter the gases. There is metallic foil in the devises by which the the 2 way or 3 way chemical reduction reaction take place and the  toxic component like carbonmon oxide is removed.  2 WAY REACTION This type of reaction take place when the carbon mono oxide is converted to carbon-di-oxide.   "OXI-CAT" or the OXIDATION.  For the diesel engine the UN-burnt  hydro-carbon or partially burnt hydro-carbon is removed  by the oxidation.  3 WAY REACTION In the THREE way reaction the catalytic converter  reduces the amount of emission of  nitrogen oxide (N2), nitrogen mono-Oxide (NO) and nitrous oxide (N2O) "OXI-CAT" or the OXIDATION.
For the diesel engine the UN-burnt  hydro-carbon or partially burnt hydro-carbon is removed  by the oxidation.


In the THREE way reaction the catalytic converter  reduces the amount of emission of  nitrogen oxide (N2), nitrogen mono-Oxide (NO) and nitrous oxide (N2O)



The braking system of vehicle till 1970 was traditional brake with pedal uses pressure system to metal disc creating friction between metal drum and metal disc and make the vehicle to stop.